300 x 300

Ø interno
D – 2 x w.t.

Tolleranza sul Diametro D/DI
EN 10253-4 | D2:+/-1% or 0,5 mm whichever is the greater
EN 10253-4 | D3*:+/-0,75% or 0,3 mm whichever is the greater
EN 10253-4 | D4*:+/-0,5% or 0,1 mm whichever is the greater
DIN 2615:+/-1%
DIN 2615 | *:+/- 0,6 %

Tolleranza sullo spessore
T:-12,5% / +15%

254 +/-5 (+/-3)


Fuori squadra e allineamento
X(Q***):X = 1 % of the outside diameter at the point measured or 1 mm, whichever is the greater

Sfoglia Catalogo